


List of Churches
Here are a list of Anglo-Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Sydney. These are sorted by suburb in alphabetical order:

Name of Parish Suburb Address Current Rector / Priest In-Charge Parish Website
St John's Anglican Church Balmain Cnr Birchgrove Road and Spring Street, Balmain, NSW 2041 Father Peter Yeats
St Paul's Burwood Burwood 205-207 Burwood Road. Burwood NSW 2134 Father James Collins
St Peter's Anglican Church Cremorne 29 Waters Road, Cremorne NSW 2090 The Rev’d Mark Wormell (Acting)
St John's Anglican Parish Dee Why Cnr Avon Rd & Oaks Ave Dee Why, NSW, 2099 Father Steven Salmon SSC
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Dulwich Hill Corner of Herbert Street and Seaview Street, Dulwich Hill, NSW 2203 The Rev'd Simon Keith
St Luke's Enmore Enmore 11 Stanmore Road, Enmore NSW 2042 Fr. Jeff Parker
St Alban's and St Aidan's Epping Epping 3 Pembroke St, Epping NSW 2121 The Rev'd Phil Lui (Acting)
St John's Anglican Church Gordon 754 Pacific Hwy, Gordon NSW 2072 Fr. Robert Happer
St Luke's Anglican Parish Mosman Mosman Corner Ourimbah Road & Heydon Street, Mosman, NSW 2088 Fr. Max Wood
St James' King Street Sydney CBD 173 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Father John Stewart (Acting)
Christ Church St Laurence Sydney CBD / Haymarket 812 George St, Haymarket NSW 2000 Fr. Daniel Dries

Disclaimer: The information put together was compiled by data gathered from the respective parish websites and other forms of media. The parishes listed may not necessarily identify themselves as “High church” or “Anglo-Catholic”. This is merely the perceived view of Sydney Anglo-Catholics due to information we have gathered of the parishes. The information gathered from the parishes would be perceived by Sydney Anglo-Catholics to be a notably higher (in terms of churchmanship) style of worship compared to that of the majority of Sydney Anglican evangelical parishes. If you have concerns of your parish being listed here, please feel free to contact us via email or Facebook and we will be happy to discuss and address any concerns you may have. Sydney Anglo-Catholics does not intend to provide misleading information about a parish and will ensure that all information provided about any listed parish is done so with utmost accuracy.